Texas Smart Cities: Curriculum

Explores how new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the internet of things are changing how cities deliver services, as well as the ethical, social, and policy implications of these innovations.

Bridging Disciplines Program: Smart Cities

The Bridging Disciplines Programs (BDPs) let you develop an interdisciplinary area of specialization that complements your major. BDP certificates can be individualized to suit your goals, and students pursuing a BDP certificate gain access to courses from across the university, internship and research experiences, BDP academic advising, and a network of BDP students and alumni. The Smart Cities BDP helps you explore critical questions about technology’s potential to create equitable, livable cities. The spring BDP application deadline is coming up on March 10th at 8:00am. Interested students can visit here to learn more and start BDP application on the BDP website.

With the development of information and computer technologies, wearable devices, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and other innovations, cities and communities are getting smarter. We see new technologies deployed in our cities in numerous ways, from the smart grid for energy to autonomous vehicles, among many other applications. So what is a “smart city”? How can these technologies improve how cities deliver services and enhance the quality of life for all residents? And how can we ensure that these technologies are employed in ethical and socially helpful ways? The Smart Cities BDP will help you answer these questions and equip you with skills and applied learning to advance the development of smart city technologies, and prepare you for smart cities-related careers in public, private, and non-profit sectors. At the same time, you will learn about the complex ethical and human dimensions of these changes to our urban environments. The program includes classes from a variety of disciplines, such as urban planning, public policy, computer science, information studies, engineering, liberal arts, communication, and business.

For more information, visit Bridging Disciplines Programs